Executive Board Meetings
The Executive Board normally meets once a week, from 5-6:30 PM in 50-220 for the Fall 2024 semester. Meetings are generally open, however the Board can choose to go into closed session - normally reserved for discussions of specific groups such as new group recognition. Meeting times may change infrequently, so please reach out to <asa-exec@mit.edu> if you are planning to attend a meeting and wish to make sure that the time and location are accurate.
General Body Meetings
At least one General Body Meeting of all student group leaders is held per term. Email notification of the date of the meeting is sent to all ASA member activities at least two weeks prior to the meeting date, and is also posted on our home page. Every ASA-recognized group is required to send a representative to a GBM.
Office Hours
The ASA president is available for in-person office hours on request. For Fall 2022, workday evenings are generally available, but timing can be flexible throughout the week. There are no office hours on university student holidays.